
Small Victories

I was on a dismount counter IED OP with a scout buddy of mine. Cuddled up back to back under some mesh camo netting in a farming ditch on the can...

A Moment of Sanity

We'd taken over some family compound for a mission outside our normal AO. We'd been moved in to deal with insurgents in the area and just patrol...

"If you don't have enough artillery, quit."

As lieutenant in Korea, Richard Cavazos earned the silver star when his company was attacked by a numerically superior force, emerging from the ba...

Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood, and Teef - Review

For any Warhammer 40,000 fan out there, Shootas is the ultimate Ork excursion. Explosions, dumb fun, dakka, and even more dakka. Running through o...

Nope - Review

Nope - Review I’m struggling to find something I didn’t like about this movie. Before I continue, let me talk about what this movie is not. It’s ...

Morbius Review

Morbius Review I’ll sum up my review with one sentence:I was more moved and excited with the trailers that preceded the movie than I was at any po...

The Batman Review

The Batman Review Where Ben Affleck portrayed him as a superhero and Christian Bale portrayed him as a billionaire, Robert Pattinson gives us the...

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022) Review

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022) Where the recent entries of the franchise have tried to focus on gritty realism, this installment is a return to th...

Jackass Forever Review

Jackass Forever Review More than 20 years after Jackass debuted on MTV, Jackass Forever (the fourth theatrical release) has hit theaters. If you'v...

Raids Are The New Battle Royale. And That's A Good Thing.

I've made my position rather clear on what I think of Battle Royale modes in the past, and that really hasn't changed much. I'm just not a fan. I'...

The Matrix Resurrections Review

The Matrix Resurrections Review What is real? Well, I know that this move was real… boring. It failed to justify its existence.  Where Ghostbuster...

Pig (2021) Review

Pig (2021) Review  I’ve always been a sucker for Nicholas Cage movies. Most are failed one-offs that are forgotten as soon as the credits...